Quantitative Aptitude - Time and work - Formulae & Concepts Quiz
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Formulae & Concepts
A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in :
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A and B together can do a piece of work in 30 days. A having worked for 16 days, B finishes the remaining work alone in 44 days. In how many days shall B finish the whole work alone?
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X can do a piece of work in 40 days. He works at it for 8 days and then Y finished it in 16 days. How long will they together take to complete the work?
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A can finish a work in 24 days, B in 9 days and C in 12 days. B and C start the work but are forced to leave after 3 days. The remaining work was done by A in:
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A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work. Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in:
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Twenty women can do a work in sixteen days. Sixteen men can complete the same work in fifteen days. What is the ratio between the capacity of a man and a woman?
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A works twice as fast as B. If B can complete a work in 12 days independently, the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work in :
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A can do a bit of work in 8 hours while B along can do it in 12 hours. Both A and B cooperating can complete the work in:
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A and B together can finish a bit of work in 12 days, B and C can do it in 20 days and C and A do it 15 days. A, B and C together can finish it in
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P is thrice as good a workman as Q and together they finish a piece of work in 24 days. The number of days taken by P alone to finish the work is:
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A and B together can complete a particular task in 4 days. If A alone can complete the same task in 12 days. How many days will B take to complete the task if he works alone?
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6 women can complete a piece of work in 10 days, whereas 10 children alone take 15 days to complete the same piece of work. How many days will 6 women and 10 children together take to complete the piece of work?
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A and B together can finish a work in 9 days. A alone can finish the work in 12 days. In how many days will B alone finish the work?
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18 women can complete a work in 12 days and 12 men can complete the same work in 9 days. In how many days will 8 men and 8 women complete that work?
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A and B together can complete a task in 20 days. B and C together can complete the same task in 30 days. A and C together can complete the same task in 40 days. What is the respective ratio of the number of days taken by A when completing the same task alone to the number of days taken by C when completing the same task alone?
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A single person takes 10 minutes to stitch a bag. If from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., 1245 bags are to be stitched how many persons should be employed on this job?
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A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
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A is 30% more efficient than B. How much time will they, working together, take to complete a job which A alone could have done in 23 days?
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A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they together work on it for 4 days, what fraction of the work will be left ?
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Sakshi can do a piece of work in 20 days. Tanya is 25% more efficient than Sakshi. The number of days taken by Tanya to do the same piece of work is:
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A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 15 days. B worked for 10 days and left the job. In how many days, A alone can finish the remaining work?
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A and B can complete a work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They started doing the work together but after 2 days B had to leave and A alone completed the remaining work. The whole work was completed in:
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A, B and C can do a piece of work in 36, 54 and 72 days respectively. They started the work but A left 8 days before the completion of the work while B left 12 days before completion. The number of days for which C worked is
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A and B can separately complete a piece of work in 20 days and 30 days respectively. They worked together for some time. Then B left the work. If A completed the rest of the work in 10 days, then B worked for
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If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days then the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work will be
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A contractor undertook to do a certain piece of work in 9 days. He employed certain number of men, but 6 of them being absent from the very first day, the rest could finish the work in 15 days. The number of men originally employed were
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Find in what ratio will the total wages of the workers of a factory be increased or decreased if there is a reduction in the number of workers in the ratio 13 : 10 and an increment in their wages in the ratio 15: 26.
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If A and B together can complete a piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 20 days, in how many days can A alone complete the work?
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If A and B together can complete a work in 18 days, A and C together in 12 days, and B and C together in 9 days, then B alone can do the work in:
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A and B together can complete a work in 3 days. They start together but after 2 days, B left the work. If the work is completed after two more days, B alone could do the work in
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A can complete a piece of work in 18 days, B in 20 days and C in 30 days, B and C together start the work and forced to leave after 2 days. The time taken by A alone to complete the remaining work is:
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Working 5 hours a day, A can Complete a work in 8 days and working 6 hours a day, B can complete the same work in 10 days. Working 8 hours a day, they can jointly complete the work in:
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Ganga and Saraswati, working separately can mow field in 8 and 12 hours respectively. If they work in stretches of one hour alternately. Ganga is beginning at 9 a.m., when will the moving be completed?
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If 10 men can do a piece of work in 12 days, the time taken by 12 men to do the same piece of work will be:
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To complete a work, A takes 50% more time than B. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, how much time shall B take to do it?
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If 10 men or 20 boys can make 260 mats in 20 days, then how many mats will be made by 8 men and 4 boys in 20 days?
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A completed \(\frac{7}{{10}} \)of work in 15 days, then he completed the remaining work with the help of B in 4 days. In how many days A and B can complete the entire work together?
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A can complete a piece of work in 36 days, B in 54 days and C in 72 days. All the three began the work the work together but A left 8 days before the completion of the work and B 12 days before the completion of work. Only C worked up to the end. In how many days was the work completed?
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While working 7 hour a day, A alone can complete a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. In what time would they complete it together, 8 hour a day?
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Two pipes, P and Q can fill a cistern in 12 and 15 minutes respectively. Both are opened together, but at the end of 3 minutes, P is turned off. In how many more minutes will Q fill the cistern?
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Two pipes can fill an empty tank separately in 24 minutes and 40 minutes respectively and a third pipe can empty 30 gallons of water per minute. If all three pipes are open, empty tanks become full in one hour. The capacity of the tank (in gallons) is:
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A cistern can be filled by two pipes in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. Both pipes being opened, when the first pipe must be turned off so that the cistern may be filled in 10 minutes more.
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A tank can be filled with water by two pipes A and B together in 36 minutes. If the pipe B was stopped after 30 minutes, the tank is filled in 40 minutes. The pipe B can alone fill the tank in:
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A boy and a girl together fill a cistern with water. The boy pours 4 liters of water every 3 minutes and girl pours 3 litres every 4 minutes. How much time will it take to fill 100 litres of water in the cistern?
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A, B and C completed a work costing Rs. 1800. A work for 6 days, B for 4 days and C for 9 days. If their daily wages are in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 4, how much amount will be received by A?
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A man and a boy received Rs. 800 as wages for 5 days for the work they did together. The man's efficiency in the work was thrice times that of the boy. What are the daily wages of the boy?
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Subhash can copy 50 pages in 10 hours; Subhash and Prakash together can copy 300 pages in 40 hours. In how much time can Prakash copy 30 pages?
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An engineer undertakes a project to build a road 15 km long in 300 days and employs 45 men for the purpose. After 100 days, he finds 2.5 km of the road has been completed. Find the (approx.) number of extra men he must employ to finish the work in time.
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There is provision of food in fort for 1200 soldiers for 60 days. After 15 days, 200 soldiers leave the fort. Remaining food will last for how many days?
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A and B working together completed a job in 5 days. If A works twice as efficiently as he actually did and B works \(\frac{1}{3}\) of actual efficiency, the work would have been completed in 3 days. Find the for A to complete the job alone.
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Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 12 min and 16 min respectively. Both the pipes are opened together for a certain time but due to some obstruction, the flow of water was restricted to \(\frac{7}{8}\) of full flow in pipe A and \(\frac{5}{6}\) of full in pipe B. This obstruction is removed after some time and the tank are now filled in 3 min from that moment. How long was it before the full flow?
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Three pipes A,B and C attached to a cistern. A can fill it in 10 min, B in 15 min, C is a waste pipe for emptying it. After opening both the pipes A and B, a man leaves the cistern and returns when the cistern should have been just full. Finding, however, that the waste pipe had left open, he closes it and the cistern now gets filled in 2 min. In how much time the pipe C, if opened alone, empty the full cistern?
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There is a group of 5 boys and 2 girls. The two groups working together can do four times as much work as a boy and a girl. Ratio of working capacities of a boy and a girl is:
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A group of 12 men can do a piece of work in 14 days and other group of 12 women can do the same work in 21 days. They begin together but 3 days before the completion of work, man's group leaves off. The total number of days to complete the work is:
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Vimal can do a piece of work in 20 days, Vimal and Kamal together can do in 12 days. If Kamal does the work only for half a day daily then in how many days the work will be completed ?
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There are three boats A, B and C, working together they carry 60 people in each trip. One day an early morning A carried 50 people in few trips alone. When it stopped carrying the passengers B and C started carrying the people together. It took a total of 10 trips to carry 300 people by A, B and C. It is known that each day on an average 300 people cross the river using only one of the 3 boats A, B and C. How many trips it would take to A to carry 150 passengers alone?
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Raj can do a piece of work in 20 days. He started the work and left after some days, when 25% work was done. After it Abhijit joined and completed it working for 10 days. In how many days Raj and Abhijit can do the complete work, working together?
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If 10 persons can do a job in 20 days, then 20 person with twice the efficiency can do the same job in:
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There was a leakage in the container of the refined oil. If 11 kg oil is leaked out per day then it would have lasted for 50 days, if the leakage was 15 kg per day, then it would have lasted for only 45 days. For how many days would the oil have lasted, if there was no leakage ant it was completely used for eating purpose?
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If 2 men or 3 women or 4 boys can do a piece of work in 52 days, then the same piece of work will be done by 1 man, 1 woman and 1 boy in:
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If one pipe A can fill a tank in 20 minutes, then 5 pipes, each of 20% efficiency of A, can fill the tank in:
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If m men can do a work in r days, then the number of days taken by (m + n) men to do it is :
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X takes 4 days to complete one-third of a job. Y takes 3 days to complete one-sixth of the job and Z takes 5 days to complete half the job. If all of them work together for 3 days and X and Z quit, how long will it take for Y to complete the remaining work done.
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Two typists of varying skills can do a job in 6 minutes if they work together. If the first typist typed alone for 4 minutes and then the second typist typed alone for 6 minutes, they would be left with \(\frac{1}{5}\) of the whole work. How many minutes would it take the slower typist to complete the typing job working alone?
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A and B completed a work together in 5 days. had A worked at twice the speed and B at half the speed, it would have taken them four days to complete the job. How much time would it take for A alone to do the work?
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Two forest officials in their respective division were involved in the harvesting of tendu leave. One division had an average output of 21 tons from a hectares and other division, which had 12 hectares of land less, dedicated to tendu leaves, got 25 tons of tendu from a hectare. As a result, the second division harvested 300 tons of tendu leaves more than the first. How many tons of tendu leaves did the first division harvest.
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The charges per hour of internet surfing is increased by 25% then find the percentage decrease in the time period of surfing user (a net savy) who can afford only 10% increase in expenditure:
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Ram Lal is a renowned packager of fruits in Varanasi. He packs 70 mangoes or 56 guavas every day working 7 hours a day. His wife also helps him. She packs 30 mangoes or 24 guavas working 6 hours per day. Ram Lal has to pack 3300 mangoes and 2400 guavas with help of his wife. They works alternately, each day 10 hours. His wife started packaging firs day and works every alternate days. Similarly, Ram Lal started his work second day and and worked alternatively till the completion of the work. In how many days the work will finished?
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A group of men decided to do a job in 4 days. But since 20 men dropped out every day, the job completed at the end of the 7th day. How many men were there at the beginning?
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Two persons having different productivity of labour, working together can reap a field in 2 days. If one-third of the field was reaped by the first man and rest by the other one working alternatively took 4 days. How long did it take for the faster person to reap the whole field working alone?
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A group of workers was put on a job. From second day onwards, one worker was withdrawn each day. The job was finished when the last worker was withdrawn. Had no worker been withdrawn at any stage, the group would have finished the job in 55% of the time. How many workers were there in the group?
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A single reservoir supplies the petrol to the whole city, while the reservoir is fed by a single pipeline filling the reservoir with the stream of uniform volume. When the reservoir is full and if 40, 000 litres of petrol is used daily, the supply fails in 90 days. If 32, 000 litres of petrol used daily, it fails in 60 days. How much petrol can be used daily without the supply ever failing?
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Working together B and C take 50% more number of days than A, B and C together take and A and B working together, take \(\frac{8}{3} \)more number of days than A, B and C take together. If A, B, and C all have worked together till the completion of the work and B has received Rs. 120 out of total earnings of Rs. 450, then in how many days did A, B and C together complete the whole work?
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Two men and women are entrusted with a task. The second man needs three hours more to cope up with the job than the second man and the woman would need working together. The first man, working alone, would need as much time as second man and the woman working together. The first man working alone, would spend eight hours less than the double period of the time second man would spend working alone. How much time would the two men and the women need to complete the task if they all asked together?
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At a Tech Pvt Ltd. there are some engineering students employed as trainee engineers, belong to two eminent institutions of India. One group belongs to IIT and another to NIT. Each student of IIT works for 10 hours a day till 60 days and each student of NIT works for 8 hours a day till 80 days on the two same project. The ratio of students of IIT and that of NIT is 4:5 respectively. Students of which institution is slower in work and by how much?
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42 women can do a piece of work in 18 days, How many women would be required do the same work in 21 days.
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A is thrice good a workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 40 days less than B. Working together they can do it in:
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A and B can compete a piece of work in 18 days. They worked together for 12 days and then A left. B alone finished the work in 15 days. If Rs. 1500 be paid for the work then A's share is:
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If 3 men or 4 women can plough a field in 43 days, how long will 7 men and 5 women take to plough it?
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To complete a piece of work A and B take 8 days, B and C 12 days. A, B and C take 6 days. A and C will take :
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Two pipes can fill the cistern in 10hr and 12 hr respectively, while the third empty it in 20hr. If all pipes are opened simultaneously, then the cistern will be filled in:
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Three taps A, B and C together can fill an empty cistern in 10 minutes. The tap A alone can fill it in 30 minutes and the tap B alone in 40 minutes. How long will the tap C alone take to fill it?
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A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 9 and 15 days respectively. If they work for a day alternately, with A beginning, then the work will be completed in:
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Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 min. and 45 min. respectively. Another pipe C can empty the tank in 30 min. First A and B are opened. After 7 minutes, C is also opened. The tank filled up in:
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Three men A, B, C working together can do a job in 6 hours less time than A alone, in one hour less time than B alone and in one half the time needed by C when working alone. Then A and B together can do the job in:
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A does half as much work as B in one -sixth of the time.If together they take 10 days to complete a work, how much time shall B take to do it alone?
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An employee pays Rs. 26 for each day a worker and forfeits Rs. 7 for each day he idle. At the end of 56 days, if the worker got Rs. 829, for how many days did the worker remain idle?
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A is 60% more efficient than B. In how many days will A and B working together complete a piece of work which A alone takes 15 days to finish?
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A pipe can fill a tank in 0.9 hours and another pipe can empty in 0.7 hours. If tank is completely filled and both pipes are opened simultaneously then 450 liters of water is removed from the tank is 2.5 hours. What is the capacity of the tank?
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A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is :
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A can lay railway track between two given stations in 16 days and B can do the same job in 12 days. With help of C, they did the job in 4 days only. Then, C alone can do the job in:
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A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how many days can A do the work if he is assisted by B and C on every third day?
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A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
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A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?
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If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work will be:
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3 men or 5 women can do a work in 12 days. How long will 6 men and 5 women take to finish the work ?
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A particular job can be completed by a team of 10 men in 12 days. The same job can be completed by a team of 10 women in 6 days. How many days are needed to complete the job if the two teams work together ?
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Two workers A and B are engaged to do a work. A working alone takes 8 hours more to complete the job than if both worked together. If B worked alone, he would need 41/2 hours more to complete the job than they both working together. What time would they take to do the work together ?
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Three friends Anne, Bob and Chris work together to do a certain job. Time it takes them to do the work together to do a certain job. The it takes them to do the work together is 6 hours less than Anne would have take alone, 1 hour less than Bob would have taken alone and half the time Chris would have taken working alone text. How long did it take them to complete the job, working together ?
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A and B together can complete a work in 12 days. B and C together can complete the same work in 8 days and A and C together can complete it in 16 days. In total, how many days do A, B and C together take to complete the same work ?
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A contractor undertakes to make a road in 40 days and employs 25 men. After 24 days, he finds that only one-third of the road is made. How many extra men should he employ so that he is able to complete the work 4 days earlier ?
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639 persons can repair a road in 12 days working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons working 6 hours a day complete the work ?
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If 72 men can build a wall of 280 m length in 21 days, how many men could take 18 days to build a similar type of wall of length 100 m ?
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4 mat-weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days. At the same rate how many mats would be woven by 8 mat-weavers in 8 days ?
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A can do a piece of work in 4 hours, B and C together in 3 hours, and A and C together in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it ?
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A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in = ?
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A and B together can do a job in 2 days; B and C can do it in 4 days; A and C in \({ \text{2}}\frac{2}{5}\) days. The number of days required for A to do the job alone is = ?
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10 men working 6 hours a day can complete a work in 18 days. How many hours a day must 15 men work to complete the same work in 12 days ?
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A work could be completed in 100 days by some workers. However, due to the absence of 10 workers, it was completed in 110 days. The original number of workers was ?
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A job can be complete by 12 men in 12 days. How many extra days will be needed to complete the job if 6 men leave after working for 6 days ?
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60 men could complete a piece of work in 250 days. They worked together for 200 days. After that work had to be stopped for 10 days due to bad weather. How many more men should be engaged to complete the work in time ?
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A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C in 8 days and C and A in 6 days. How long would B take to do the same work alone ?
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A can build a wall in the same time in which B and C together can do it. If A and B together can do it. If A and B together could do it in 25 days and C alone in 35 days, in what time could B alone do it ?
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Madhu takes twice as much time as Uma to complete a work and Rahul does it in the same time as Madhu and Uma together. If all three working together can finish the work in 6 days, then the time taken by Madhu to finish the work is = ?
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If 28 men complete \(\frac{7}{8}\) of a piece of work in a week, then the number of men, who must be engaged to get the remaining work completed in another week, is = ?
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A 10 hectare field is reaped by 2 men, 3 women and 4 children together in 10 days. If working capabilities of a man, a woman and a child are in the ratio 5 : 4 : 2, then a 16 hectare field will be reaped by 6 men, 4 women and 7 children in = ?
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If p men working p hours per day for p days produce p units of work, then the units of work produced by n men working n hours a day for days is = ?
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If two persons, with equal abilities, can do two jobs in two days then 100 persons with equal abilities can do 100 similar jobs in = ?
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A is twice as good a workman as B. If they work together, they can complete a job in 18 days. If A alone does the job, in how many days he will complete the job ?
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A is thrice as good a workman as B and so takes 60 days less than B for doing a job. The time in which they can do the job together is = ?
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A and B can do a job in 7 days. A is \({ \text{1}}\frac{3}{4}\) times as efficient as B. The same job can be done by A alone in?
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A road of 5 m length will be constructed in 100 days. So, 280 workers were employed. But after 80 days it was found that only \({ \text{3}}\frac{1}{2}\) km road was completed. Now, how many more people were needed to finish the work in the specified time?
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If the work done by (x - 1) men in (x + 1) days and the work done by (x + 2) men in (x - 1) days are in the ratio 9 : 10, then the value of x is equal to ?
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A can do a piece of work in 70 days and B is 40% more efficient then A. Then the number of days taken by B to do the same work is = ?
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A can do a certain work in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient then A. How many days will B and A together take to do the same job?
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Kamal can do a work in 15 days. Bimal is 50% more efficient then Kamal. The number of days, Bimal will take to do the same piece of work, is = ?
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A does 20% less work than B. If A can complete a piece of work in \({ \text{7}}\frac{1}{2}\) hours, then B can do it in?
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A, B and C can separately do a work in 12, 15 and 20 days respectively. They started to work together but C left after 2 days. The remaining work will be finished in = ?
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A can do a piece of work in 15 days, which B can do it in 10 days. B worked at it for 8 days. A can finish the remaining work in?
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A does half as much work as B in one-sixth of the time. If together they take 10 days to complete a work. How much time shall B alone take to do it ?
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Some carpenters promised to do a job in 9 days but 5 of them were absent and remaining men did the job in 12 day. The original number of carpenters was ?
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If 4 men or 6 women can do a piece of work in 12 days working 7 hours a day, how many days will it take to complete a work twice as large with 10 men and 3 women working together 8 hours a day ?
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A contractor undertook to finish a work in 92 days and employed 110 men. After 48 days, he found that he had already done \(\frac{3}{5}\) part of the work, the number of men he can withdraw so that his work may still be finished in time is?
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A man undertakes to do a certain work in 150 days. He employs 200 men. He finds that only a quarter of the work is done in 50 days. The number of additional men that should be appointed so that the whole work will be finished in time is = ?
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A can complete a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days and C in 20 days. A and C together for 2 days and A was replaced by B. In how many days, altogether, was the work complete ?
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A completes \(\frac{7}{{10}}\) of the work 15 days. Then he completes the remaining work the help of B in 4 days. The time required for A and B together to complete the entire work is = ?
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A man and a boy can do a piece of work in 24 days. If the man works alone for the last 6 days, it is completed in 26 days. How long would the boy take to do it alone ?
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Two men can do a piece of work in x days. But y women can do that in 3 days. Then the ratio of the work done by 1 man and 1 woman is ?
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If 12 carpenters working 6 hours a day can make 460 chairs in 240 days, then number of chairs made by 18 carpenters in 360 days each working 8 hours a day ?
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A company employed 200 workers to complete a certain work in 150 days. If only \(\frac{1}{4}\) th of the work had been done in 50 days, then in order to complete the whole work in time, the number of additional workers to be employed were?
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If 20 women can lay a road of length 100m in 10 days. 10 women can lay the same road of length 50m in = ?
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A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and B left. After another 20 days, A finished the remaining work. In how many days A alone can finish the job ?
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A can build up a wall in 8 days while B can break it in 3 days. A has worked for 4 days and then B joined to work with A for another 2 days only. In how many days will A alone build up the remaining part of the wall ?
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Anuj and Manoj can together paint their house in 30 days. After working for 20 days, Anuj has to go out and Manoj finished the remaining working the next 30 days. If Manoj had gone away after 20 days instead of Anuj, then Anuj would have completed the remaining work in ?
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A contractor was engaged to construct a road in 16 days. After working for 12 days with 20 labours it was found that only \({\frac{5}{8}}\) th of the road had been constructed. To complete the work in stipulated time the number of extra labours required are ?
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45 men can complete a piece of work in 16 days. Four days they started working , 36 more men joined them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work ?
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A started a ,work and left after working for 2 days. Then B was called and he finished the work in 9 days. had A left the work after working for 3 days, B would have finished the remaining work in 6 days. In how many days can each of them, working alone, finish the whole work ?
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Working together, Asha and Sudha can complete an assigned task in 20 days. However, if Asha worked alone and completed half the work and then Sudha takes over the task and completes the second half of the task, the task will be completed in 45 days. How long will Asha take to complete the if she worked alone ? Assume that Sudha is more efficient than Asha.
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A can do a piece of work in 14 days which B can do in 21 days. They begin together but 3 days before the completion of the work. A leaves off. The total number of days to complete the work is ?
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A and B together can complete a job in 8 days. Both B and C, working alone can finish the same job in 12 days, A and B commence work on the job, and work for 4 days, where upon A leaves, B continues for 2 more days, and then he leaves too, C now starts working, and finishes the job. How many days will C require to finish the remaining work ?
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A and B can together finish a piece of work in 30 days. They worked on it 20 days and then B left. The remaining work was done by A alone in 20 days. A alone can finish the work in = ?
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16 women take 12 days to complete a work which can be completed by 12 men in 8 days. 16 men started working and after 3 days 10 men left and 4 women joined them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work ?
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40 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. Eight days after they started working together, 10 more men joined them. How many days will they now take to complete the remaining work ?
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A, B and C can complete a work in 10, 12 and 15 days respectively. They started the work together. But A left the work 5 days before its completion. B also left the work 2 days after A left. In how many days was the work completed ?
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Two men undertake to do a piece of work for Rs. 1400. The first man alone can do this work in 7 days while the second man alone can do this work in 8 days. If they working together complete this work in 3 days with the help of a boy, how should the money be divided ?
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20 men can do a piece of work in 18 days. They worked together for 3 days, then 5 men joined. In how many days is the remaining work completed ?
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A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 10, 12 and 15 days respectively. A left the work 5 days before the work was completed and B left 2 days after A had left. Number of days required to complete the whole work was ?
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X alone can complete a piece of work in 40 days. He worked for 8 days and left. Y alone completed the remaining work in 16 days. How long would X and Y together take to complete the work ?
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A and B together can do a piece of work in 30 days, B and C together can do it in 20 days, A starts the work and works on it for 5 days, B takes up and work for 15 days. Finally C finishes the work in 18 days. The number of days in which C alone can do the work where doing it separately is = ?
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