Quiz Discussion

45 men can complete a piece of work in 16 days. Four days they started working , 36 more men joined them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work ?

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1]

    6 days

  • 2]

    8 days

  • 3]

    \({ \text{6}}\frac{2}{3}{ \text{ days}}\)

  • 4]

    \({ \text{7}}\frac{3}{4}{ \text{ days}}\)

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# Quiz

A can do a piece of work in 10 days, B in 15 days. They work for 5 days. The rest of the work was finished by C in 2 days. If they get Rs. 1500 for the whole work, the daily wages of B and C are ?

  • 1] Rs. 150
  • 2] Rs. 225
  • 3] Rs. 250
  • 4] Rs. 300

4 men and 10 women were put on work. They completed \(\frac{1}{3}\) of the work in 4 days. After this 2 men and 2 women were increased. They completed \(\frac{2}{9}\) more of the work in 2 days. If the remaining work is to be completed in 3 days, then how many more women must be increased?


  • 1] 8
  • 2] 32
  • 3] 50
  • 4] 55

639 persons can repair a road in 12 days working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons working 6 hours a day complete the work ?

  • 1] 210 days
  • 2] 213 days
  • 3] 214 days
  • 4] 215 days

A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 10, 12 and 15 days respectively. A left the work 5 days before the work was completed and B left 2 days after A had left. Number of days required to complete the whole work was ?

  • 1] 5 days
  • 2] 6 days
  • 3] 8 days
  • 4] 7 days

The laborer's A, B, C were given a contract of Rs. 750 for doing a certain piece of work. All the three together can finish the work in 8 days, A and C together can do it in 12 days, while A and B together can do it in \({ \text{13}}\frac{1}{3}\) days. The money will be divided in the ratio?


  • 1] 4 : 5 : 6
  • 2] 4 : 7 : 5
  • 3] 5 : 7 : 4
  • 4] 5 : 6 : 8

A can do a piece of work in 90 days, B in 40 days and C in 12 days. They work for a day each in turn i.e., first day A does it alone, B does it the second day and C the third day. After that A does it for another day, and so on. After finishing the work they get Rs. 240. If the wages are divided in proportion to the work done by them, find what each will get ?

  • 1] A Rs. 24, B Rs. 54, C Rs. 162
  • 2] A Rs. 22, B Rs.50, C Rs. 132
  • 3] A Rs. 26, B Rs. 52, C Rs. 142
  • 4] A Rs. 20, B Rs. 44, C Rs. 182

A takes three times as long as B and C together to do a job. B takes four times as long as A and C together to do the work. If all the three, working together can complete the job in 24 days, then the number of days, A alone will take to finish the job is = ?

  • 1] 100 days
  • 2] 96 days
  • 3] 95 days
  • 4] 90 days

Raj can do a piece of work in 20 days. He started the work and left after some days, when 25% work was done. After it Abhijit joined and completed it working for 10 days. In how many days Raj and Abhijit can do the complete work, working together?

  • 1] 6
  • 2] 8
  • 3] 10
  • 4] 12

If 12 carpenters working 6 hours a day can make 460 chairs in 240 days, then number of chairs made by 18 carpenters in 360 days each working 8 hours a day ?

  • 1] 1320
  • 2] 1380
  • 3] 1260
  • 4] 920

At a Tech Pvt Ltd. there are some engineering students employed as trainee engineers, belong to two eminent institutions of India. One group belongs to IIT and another to NIT. Each student of IIT works for 10 hours a day till 60 days and each student of NIT works for 8 hours a day till 80 days on the two same project. The ratio of students of IIT and that of NIT is 4:5 respectively. Students of which institution is slower in work and by how much?

  • 1] IITian is 20% less efficient
  • 2] NITian is 33.33% less efficien
  • 3] NIT is 25% less efficient
  • 4] IIT is 33.33% less efficient
  • 5] Cannot be determined
# Quiz