Two trains start from a certain place on two parallel tracks in the same direction. The speed of the trains are 45 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively. The distance between the two trains after 45 minutes will be :
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A train increases its normal speed by 12.5% and reaches its destination 20 min earlier. What is the actual time taken by the train in the journey ?
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A car traveled first 36 km at 6 km/h faster than the usual speed, but it returned the same distance at 6 km/h slower than usual speed. I the total time taken by car is 8 hours, for how many hours does it traveled at the faster speed ?
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A moving train crosses a man standing on a platform and the platform 300 metres long in 10 seconds and 25 seconds respectively. What will be the time taken by the train to cross a platform 200 metre long ?
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A man performs \(\frac{2}{15}\) of the total journey by rail, \(\frac{9}{20}\) by bus and the remaining 10 km, on the cycle. His total journey is :
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A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is:
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If two incorrect watches are set at 12:00 noon at correct time, when will both watches show the correct time for the first time given that the first watch gains 1 min in one hour and second watch looses 4 min in two hours.
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A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 100 meters completes one revolution in 2 minutes. What is the average speed of cyclist (approx.)?
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A certain distance is covered at a certain speed. If half of this distance is covered in double the time, the ratio of the two speed is :
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If a train runs at 40 kmph, it reaches its destination late by 11 minutes but if it runs at 50 kmph, it is late by 5 min only. The correct time for the train to complete its journey is :
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A thief running at 8 km/hr is chased by a policeman whose speed is 10 km/hr. If the thief is 100 metres ahead of the policeman, then the time required for the policeman to catch the thief will be :
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