Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of 8 minutes. A person approaching the place observes that 5 minutes 52 seconds have elapsed between the hearing of the sound of the two guns. If the velocity of the sound is 330 m/sec, the man was approaching the place at what speed (in km/hr) ?
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A gun is fired from a fort. A man hears the sound 10 seconds later. If the sound travels at the rate of 330 m/sec, find the distance between the fort and the man.
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The ratio of speeds of A and B is 2 : 3 and therefore A takes 20 minutes more time than B. What is the ratio of time taken by A and B?
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Gautam goes office at a speed of 12 kmph and return homes at 10 kmph. His average speed is :
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A train covers a distance of \(193\frac{1}{3}\) km in \(4\frac{1}{4}\) hours with one stoppage of 10 minutes, two of 5 minutes, and one of 3 minutes on the way. The average speed of the train is :
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A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes in walking a distance and riding back to starting place. He could walk both ways in 7 hours 45 minutes. The time taken by him to ride back both ways is:
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With an average speed of 50 km/hr, a train reaches its destination in time. If it goes with an average speed of 40 km/hr, it is late by 24 min. The total journey is :
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A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 100 meters completes one revolution in 2 minutes. What is the average speed of cyclist (approx.)?
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A thief steals a car at 2.30 pm and drives it at 60 kmph. The theft is discovered at 3 pm and the owner sets off in another car at 75 kmph. When will he overtake the thief ?
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From two places, 60 km apart A and B start towards each other at the same time and meet each other after 6 hours. If A traveled with \(\frac{2}{3}\) of his usual speed and B traveled with double his speed they would have met after 5 hours. The speed of A is :
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A hunter fired two shots from the branch of a tree at an interval of 76 seconds. A tiger separating too fast hears the two shots at an interval of 83 seconds. If the velocity of the sound is 1195.2 km/h, then find the speed of the tiger.
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