A man takes 50 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in :
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# | Quiz |
A man walks a certain distance in certain time, if he had gone 3 km per hour faster, he would have taken 1 hour less than the scheduled time. If he had gone 2 km per hour slower, he would have taken one hour longer on the road. The distance (in km) is :
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A train 100 m long is running at the speed of 30 km/hr. The time (in second) in which it passes a man standing near the railway line is :
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Ashok left from place A for place B at 8 am and Rahul left place B for place A at 10.00 am the distance between place A and B is 637 km. If Ashok and Rahul are travelling at a uniform speed of 39 kmph and 47 kmph respectively, at what time will they meet ?
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A motor car does a journey in 17.5 hours, covering the first half at 30 km/h and the second half at 40 km/h. Find the distance of the journey?
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A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes ?
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A train travelling at 48 kmph crosses another train, having half of its length and travelling in opposite direction at 42 kmph, in 12 seconds. It also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. The length of railway platform is:
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A cyclist rides 24 km at 16 kmph and further 36 km at 15 kmph. Find his average speed for the journey ?
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Two guns are fired from the same place at an interval of 6 minutes. A person approaching the place observes that 5 minutes 52 seconds have elapsed between the hearings of the sound of the two guns. If the velocity of the sound is 330 m/sec, the man was approaching that place at what speed (in km/h)?
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Two persons A and B started from two different places towards each other. If the ratio of their speed be 3 : 5, then what is the ratio of distance covered by A and B respectively till the point of meeting?
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Amit travelled black to home in a car, after visiting his friend in a distant village. When he stated at his friend's house the car had exactly 18 litres of petrol in it. He travelled along at a steady 40 kilometres per hour and managed a 10 kilometres per litre of petrol. As the car was old, the fuel tank lost fuel at the rate of half a litre per hour. Amit was lucky as his car stopped just in front of his home because it had rum out of fuel and he only just made it. How far was it from his friend's home to Amit's home ?
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