Quiz Discussion

A is twice fast as B and B is thrice fast as C. The journey covered by C in 78 minutes will be covered by A in :

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] 13 min
  • 2] 15.5 min
  • 3] 17 min
  • 4] 12 min
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# Quiz

The length of a train and that of a platform are equal. If with a speed of 90 km/hr the train crosses the platform in one minute, then the length of the train (in meters) is ?

  • 1] 500 meters
  • 2] 600 meters
  • 3] 750 meters
  • 4] 900 meters

I started on my bicycle at 7 am to reach a certain place. After going a certain distance, my bicycle went out of order. Consequently, I rested for 35 minutes and came back to my house walking all the way. I reached my house at 1 pm. If my cycling speed is 10 kmph and my walking speed is 1 kmph, then on my bicycle I covered a distance of :

  • 1]

    \(4\frac{61}{66}\) km

  • 2]

    \(13\frac{4}{9}\) km

  • 3]

    \(14\frac{3}{8}\) km

  • 4]

    \(15\frac{10}{21}\) km


A bus moving at a speed of 45 km/hr catches a truck 150 metres ahead going in the same direction in 30 seconds. The speed of the truck is :

  • 1] 27 km/hr
  • 2] 24 km/hr
  • 3] 25 km/hr
  • 4] 28 km/hr

Two ports A and B are 300 km apart. Two ships leave A for B such that the second leaves 8 hours after the first. The ships arrive at B simultaneously. Find the time the slower ship spent on the trip if the speed of one of them is 10 km/h higher than that of the other.

  • 1] 25 hours
  • 2] 20 hours
  • 3] 15 hours
  • 4] 20 hours
  • 5] 24 hours

A man performs \(\frac{2}{15}\) of the total journey by rail, \(\frac{9}{20}\) by bus and the remaining 10 km, on the cycle. His total journey is :


  • 1] 31.2 km
  • 2] 38.4 km
  • 3] 32.8 km
  • 4] 24 km

Car A travels at the speed of 65 km/hr and reaches its destination in 8 hours. Car B travels at the speed of 70 km/hr and reaches its destination in 4 hours. What is the ratio of the distance covered by car A and car B respectively ?

  • 1] 7 : 11
  • 2] 13 : 7
  • 3] 7 : 13
  • 4] 11 : 7
  • 5] None of these

In a race of 200 meters, B can gives a start of 10 meters to A, and C can gives a start of 20 meters to B. The starts that C can gives to A, in the same race is:

  • 1] 30 meters
  • 2] 25 meters
  • 3] 29 meters
  • 4] 27 meters

The driver of an ambulance sees a school bus 40 m ahead of him after 20 seconds, the school bus is 60 meter behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/h, what is the speed of the school bus?

  • 1] 10 kmph
  • 2] 12 kmph
  • 3] 15 kmph
  • 4] 22 kmph

An athlete claimed that his timing for a 100 m dash should be corrected because the starting signal was gives by a gun fired from a point 10 m away from him and the timekeeper was standing close to the gun. The error due to this could be (in seconds) :

  • 1] 0.03 sec
  • 2] 0.1 sec
  • 3] 0.5 sec
  • 4] 0.7 sec

A train, 110 m long is running at a speed of 60 km/hr. How many seconds does it to cross another train, 170 m long standing on parallel track ?

  • 1] 15.6 seconds
  • 2] 16.8 seconds
  • 3] 17.2 seconds
  • 4] 18 seconds
# Quiz