Quiz Discussion

A man performs \(\frac{2}{15}\) of the total journey by rail, \(\frac{9}{20}\) by bus and the remaining 10 km, on the cycle. His total journey is :


Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] 31.2 km
  • 2] 38.4 km
  • 3] 32.8 km
  • 4] 24 km
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# Quiz

Narayan walking at a speed of 20 km/h reaches his college 10 minutes late. Next time he increases his speed by 5 km/h, but finds that he is still late by 4 minutes. What is the distance of his college from his house?

  • 1] 10 km
  • 2] 6 km
  • 3] 12 km
  • 4] 15 km

A train running at \(\frac{7}{11}\) of its own speed reached a place in 22 hours. How much time could be saved if the train would have run at its own speed?


  • 1] 7 hr
  • 2] 8 hr
  • 3] 14 hr
  • 4] 16 hr

A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes ?

  • 1]

    100 m

  • 2]

    150 m

  • 3]

    190 m

  • 4]

    290 m


A man goes to the fair with his son and dog. Unfortunately man misses his son which he realizes 20 minutes later. The son comes back towards his home at the speed of 20 m/min and man follows him at 40 m/min. The dog runs to son and comes back to the man to show him the direction of his son. He keeps moving to and fro at 60 m/min between son and father, till the man meets the son. What is the distance traveled by the dog in the direction of the son?

  • 1] 800 m
  • 2] 1675 m
  • 3] 848 m
  • 4] 1000 m
  • 5] None of these

Mr A started half an hour later than usual for the marketplace. But by increasing his speed to \(\frac{3}{2} \)times his usual speed he reached 10 minutes earlier than usual. What is his usual time for this journey?


  • 1] 1 hours
  • 2] 2 hours
  • 3] 3 hours
  • 4] 45 minutes
  • 5] None of these

if a man increase his speed by 3km/hr,he reaches his home in 3/4th of his normal time. if he decreases his speed by 3km/h he reaches his home 2 hours late. what is the distance the man travel to reach his home​

  • 1]

    32 km

  • 2]

    34 km

  • 3]

    36 km

  • 4]

    38 km


A moving train crosses a man standing on a platform and the platform 300 metres long in 10 seconds and 25 seconds respectively. What will be the time taken by the train to cross a platform 200 metre long ?

  • 1]

    \(16\frac{2}{3} \)seconds

  • 2]

    18 seconds

  • 3]

    20 seconds

  • 4]

    22 seconds


Two ladies simultaneously leave cities A and B connected by a straight road and travel towards each other. The first lady travels 2 km/hr faster than the second lady and reaches B one hour before the second lady reaches A. The two cities A and B are 24 km apart. How many kilometres does each lady travel in one hour ?

  • 1] 5 km, 3 km
  • 2] 7 km, 5 km
  • 3] 8 km, 6 km
  • 4] 6 km, 14 km

With an average speed of 50 km/hr, a train reaches its destination in time. If it goes with an average speed of 40 km/hr, it is late by 24 min. The total journey is :

  • 1] 30 km
  • 2] 40 km
  • 3] 70 km
  • 4] 80 km

A passenger train 150 m long is travelling with a speed of 36 km/hr. If a man is cycling in the direction of train at 9 km/hr, the time taken by the train to pass the man is :

  • 1] 10 seconds
  • 2] 15 seconds
  • 3] 18 seconds
  • 4] 20 seconds
# Quiz