Quiz Discussion

I started on my bicycle at 7 am to reach a certain place. After going a certain distance, my bicycle went out of order. Consequently, I rested for 35 minutes and came back to my house walking all the way. I reached my house at 1 pm. If my cycling speed is 10 kmph and my walking speed is 1 kmph, then on my bicycle I covered a distance of :

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1]

    \(4\frac{61}{66}\) km

  • 2]

    \(13\frac{4}{9}\) km

  • 3]

    \(14\frac{3}{8}\) km

  • 4]

    \(15\frac{10}{21}\) km

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# Quiz

A 75 metres long train is moving at 20 kmph. It will cross a man standing on the platform in :

  • 1] 12 seconds
  • 2] 14 seconds
  • 3] 13.5 seconds
  • 4] 15.5 seconds

Two trains 150 m and 120 m long respectively moving from opposite direction cross each other in 10 sec. If the speed of the second train is 43.2 km/hr, then the speed of the first train is :

  • 1] 54 km/hr
  • 2] 50 km/hr
  • 3] 52 km/hr
  • 4] 51 km/hr

Two cars start simultaneously from cities A and B, towards B and A respectively, on the same route. Once the two cars reach their destinations they turned around and move towards the other city without any loss of time. The two cars continue shuttling in this manner for exactly 20 hours. If the speed of the car starting from A is 60km/hr and the speed of the car starting from B is 40km/hr and the distance between the two cities is 120 km, find the number of times the two cars cross each other?

  • 1] 8
  • 2] 10
  • 3] 12
  • 4] 20
  • 5] Can't be determined

If Karan travels at a speed of 60 kmph and covers a distance in 9 hrs., then how much time will he take to travel the same distance at a speed of 90 kmph ?

  • 1] 8 hours
  • 2] 6 hours
  • 3] 12 hours
  • 4] 9 hours

The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 km in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is:

  • 1] 70 km/hr
  • 2] 75 km/hr
  • 3] 84 km/hr
  • 4] 87.5 km/hr

The ratio of speeds of A and B is 2 : 3 and therefore A takes 20 minutes more time than B. What is the ratio of time taken by A and B?

  • 1] 2 : 3
  • 2] 2 : 5
  • 3] 3 : 2
  • 4] 3 : 5

A boat covers 48 km upstream and 72 km downstream in 12 hours, while it covers 72 km upstream and 48 km downstream in 13 hours The speed of stream is :

  • 1] 2 kmph
  • 2] 2.2 kmph
  • 3] 2.5 kmph
  • 4] 4 kmph

A train covers a distance of \(193\frac{1}{3}\) km in \(4\frac{1}{4}\) hours with one stoppage of 10 minutes, two of 5 minutes, and one of 3 minutes on the way. The average speed of the train is :


  • 1] 48 km/hr
  • 2] 50 km/hr
  • 3] 55 km/hr
  • 4] 60 km/hr

A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 metres the thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km/hr and 11 km/hr respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes ?

  • 1] 100 m
  • 2] 190 m
  • 3] 200 m
  • 4] 150 m

Train A leaves Ludhiana for Delhi at 11 am, running at the speed of 60 km/hr. Train B leaves Ludhiana for Delhi by the same route at 2 pm on the same day, running at the speed of 72 km/hr. At what time will the two trains meet each other ?

  • 1] 2 am on the next day
  • 2] 5 am on the next day
  • 3] 5 pm on the next day
  • 4] None of these
# Quiz