SQL -Structured Query Language - Sql Select - Select - Min Max Tutorial
To retrieve the minimum or maximum value of the numeric column from the existing created table. Then we can use a ' SELECT ' statement with MIN() or MAX() function.
Without condition
The basic syntax of the SELECT statement with MIN() function is given below –
SELECT MIN(numeric_column_name) FROM table_name;
For example-
- Using numeric column name
SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees;
Here it will retrieve the minimum salary in the record from the employees table.
The basic syntax of the SELECT statement with MAX() function is given below –
SELECT MAX(numeric_column_name) FROM table_name;
For example-
- Using numeric column name
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees;
Here it will retrieve the maximum salary in the record from the employees table.
We can use whereas Condition / Clause in select statements such as WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, ETC.
With condition (USING WHERE)
The basic syntax of the SELECT statement with MIN() function using WHERE condition is given below –
SELECT MIN(numeric_column_name) FROM table_name WHERE [CONDITION] ;
For example-
- Using numeric column name
SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees WHERE employee_id>150;
Here it will retrieve the minimum salary from the employees table whose employee_id is greater than 150.
The basic syntax of the SELECT statement with MAX() function using WHERE condition is given below –
SELECT MAX(numeric_column_name) FROM table_name WHERE [CONDITION] ;
For example-
- Using numeric column name
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE employee_id>150;
Here it will retrieve the maximum salary from the employees table whose employee_id is greater than 150.