The average weight of 10 oarsmen in a boat is increased by 1.5kg when one of the crew who weighs 58kg is replaced by a new man.
73 Kg
64 Kg
12 Kg
34 Kg
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Students of three different classes appeared in common examination. Pass average of 10 students of first class was 70%, pass average of 15 students of second class was 60% and pass average of 25 students of third class was 80% then what will be the pass average of all students of three classes?
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The mean of 100 items was 46. Later on it was discovered that an item 16 was misread as 61 and another item 43 was misread as 34. It was also found that the number of item was 90 and not 100. Then what is the correct mean ?
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A school has only four classes that contain 10, 20, 30 and 40 students respectively. The pass percentage of these classes are 20%, 30%, 60% and 100% respectively. Find the pass % of the entire school.
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Average of two numbers is 8 and average of other three numbers is 3; the average of the five numbers is :
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The average weight of A, B and C is 40 kgs. Weight of C is 24 kgs more than A’s weight and 3 kgs less than B’s weight. What will be the average weight of A, B, C and D, if D weights 15 kgs less than C?
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The average of 6 numbers is 7. The average of three numbers of them is 5. What will be the average of remaining numbers?
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The speed of the train going from Nagpur to Allahabad is 100 km/h while when coming back from Allahabad to Nagpur, its speed is 150 km/h. find the average speed during whole journey.
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Find the average of 1.11, 0.01, 0.101, 0.001, 0.11 = ?
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Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5 -
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There are five boxes in cargo hold. The weight of the first box is 200 kg and the weight of the second box is 20% higher than the weight of the third box, whose weight is 25% higher than the first box's weight. The fourth box at 350 kg is 30% lighter than the fifth box. Find the difference in the average weight of the four heaviest boxes and the four lightest boxes.
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