The speed of the train going from Nagpur to Allahabad is 100 km/h while when coming back from Allahabad to Nagpur, its speed is 150 km/h. find the average speed during whole journey.
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There were 35 students in a hostel. Due to the admission of 7 new students the expenses of the mess were increased by Rs.42 per day while the average expenditure per head diminished by Re 1. What was the original expenditure of the mess?
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Out of 20 boys, 6 are each of 1 m 15 cm height, 8 are of 1 m 10 cm and rest of 1 m 12 cm. The average height of all of them is :
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Five years ago, the average age of P and Q was 25. The average age of P, Q and R today is 25. Age of R after 5 years will be :
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A student finds the average of 10 positive integers. Each integer contains two digits. By mistake, the boy interchanges the digits of one number say ba for ab. Due to this, the average becomes 1.8 less than the previous one. What was the difference of the two digits a and b?
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The average expenditure of a man for the first five months is Rs. 1200 and for the next seven months is Rs. 1300. If he saves Rs. 2900 in that year, his monthly average income is-
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The average of five numbers is 306.4. The average of the first two numbers is 431 and the average of the last two numbers is 214.5. What is the third number?
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If the average of x and 1/x(X\( \ne \)0) is M, then the average of x2 and 1/x2 is :
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A cricketer had a certain average of runs for his 64 innings. In his 65th innings, he is bowled out for no score on his part. This brings down his average by 2 runs. His new average of runs is :
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The mean high temperature of the first four days of a week is 25°C whereas the mean of the last four days is 25.5°C. If the mean of the whole week is 25.2°C then the temperature of the 4th day is :
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The average of five numbers is 7. If three new numbers would be added, then the new average comes out to be 8.5. What is the average of those three new numbers ?
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