Quiz Discussion

Two boats, travelling at 5 km/h and 10 km/h, head directly towards each other. They begin at a distance of 20 km from each other. How far apart are they (in km) one minute before they collide?

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1]


  • 2]


  • 3]


  • 4]


  • 5]

    None of these

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# Quiz

If a man runs at 6 kmph from his house, he misses the train at the station by 8 min. If he runs at 10 kmph, he reaches 7 min before the departure of the train. What is the distance of the station from his house? (in Km).

  • 1]

    \(4\frac{3}{4}\) km

  • 2]

    \(3\frac{1}{2}\) km

  • 3]

    \(4\frac{1}{4}\) km

  • 4]

    \(3\frac{3}{4}\) km

  • 5]

    \(4\frac{1}{2}\) km


A car driver, driving in a fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2 km/h in the same direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 minutes and it was visible to him up to distance of 0.6 km. what was speed of the car?

  • 1] 30 kmph
  • 2] 15 kmph
  • 3] 20 kmph
  • 4] 8 kmph
  • 5] 12 kmph

Jane travelled \(\frac{4}{7}\) as many miles on foot as by water and \(\frac{2}{5}\) as many miles on horseback as by water. If she covered a total of 3036 miles, how many miles did she travel on foot?


  • 1] 1540 miles
  • 2] 880 miles
  • 3] 756 miles
  • 4] 616 miles

A gun is fired from a fort. A man hears the sound 10 seconds later. If the sound travels at the rate of 330 m/sec, find the distance between the fort and the man.

  • 1] 330 km
  • 2] 33 km
  • 3] 3.3 km
  • 4] 0.33 km

Mr A started half an hour later than usual for the marketplace. But by increasing his speed to \(\frac{3}{2} \)times his usual speed he reached 10 minutes earlier than usual. What is his usual time for this journey?


  • 1] 1 hours
  • 2] 2 hours
  • 3] 3 hours
  • 4] 45 minutes
  • 5] None of these

A man takes 100 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in :

  • 1] 10 min
  • 2] 20 min
  • 3] 30 min
  • 4] 60 min
  • 5] 80 min

A man can cross a downstream river by steamer in 40 minutes and same by boat in 1 hour. If the time of crossing Upstream by streamer is 50% more than downstream time by steamer and the time required by boat to cross same river by boat in upstream is 50% more than time required by in downstream. What is the time taken for the man to cross the river downstream by steamer and then return to same place by boat half the way and by steamer the rest of the way?

  • 1] 85 minutes
  • 2] 115 minutes
  • 3] 120 minutes
  • 4] 125 minutes
  • 5] None of these

The speed of a bus is 72 kmph. The distance covered by the bus in 5 sec is :

  • 1] 50 metres
  • 2] 74.5 metres
  • 3] 100 metres
  • 4] 60 metres

Two cyclists start from the same place in opposite directions. One goes towards north at 18 kmph and the other goes towards south at 20 kmph. What time will they take to be 47.5 km apart ?

  • 1]

    \({ \text{1}}\frac{1}{4}{ \text{ hrs}}\)

  • 2]

    \({ \text{2}}\frac{1}{4}{ \text{ hrs}}\)

  • 3]

    2 hrs 23 min

  • 4]

    \({ \text{2}}\frac{1}{2}{ \text{ hrs}}\)


A person travels three equal distance at a speed of x km/hr, y km/hr and z km/hr respectively. What is the average speed for the whole journey ?

  • 1]

    \(\frac{{xyz}}{{3\left( {xy + yz + zx} \right)}}\)    km/hr

  • 2]

    \(\frac{{xyz}}{{\left( {xy + yz + zx} \right)}}\)    km/hr

  • 3]

    \(\frac{{\left( {xy + yz + zx} \right)}}{{xyz}}\)    km/hr

  • 4]

    \(\frac{{3xyz}}{{\left( {xy + yz + zx} \right)}}\)    km/hr

# Quiz