The ratio between the speed of a bus and train is 15 : 27 respectively. Also, a car covered a distance of 720 km in 9 hours. The speed of the Bus is three-fourth the speed of the car. How much distance will the train cover in 7 hours?
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# | Quiz |
The average speed of a train is 20% less on the return journey than on onward journey. The train halts for half an hour at the destination station before starting on the return journey. If the total time taken for the to and fro journey is 23 hours, covering a distance of 1000 km, the speed of the train on the return journey is:
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A man covers a total distance of 100 km on bicycle. For the first 2 hours, the speed was 20 km/hr and for the rest of the journey, it came down to 10 km/hr. The average speed will be :
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A train passes two bridges of length 500 metres and 250 metres in 100 seconds and 60 seconds respectively. The length of the train is :
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Ravi walks to and fro to a shopping mall. He spends 30 minutes shopping. If he walks at a speed of 10 km an hour, he returns home at 19.00 hours. If he walks at 15 km an hour, her returns home at 18.30 hours. How far must he walk in order to return home at 18.15 hours ?
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A is travelling at 72 km per hour on a highway while B is travelling at a speed of 25 mitres per second. What us the difference in their speeds in mitres per second ?
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A man performs \(\frac{2}{15}\) of the total journey by rail, \(\frac{9}{20}\) by bus and the remaining 10 km, on the cycle. His total journey is :
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An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in \(1\frac{2}{3}\) hours, it must travel at a speed of :
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One of the two buses completes a journey of 300 km in 7½ hours an the other a journey of 450 km in 9 hours. The ratio of their average speeds is:
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A train running at \(\frac{7}{11}\) of its own speed reached a place in 22 hours. How much time could be saved if the train would have run at its own speed?
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The speed of two trains are in the ratio 6 : 7. If the second train runs 364 km in 4 hours, then the speed of first train is :
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