Two cars start simultaneously from cities A and B, towards B and A respectively, on the same route. Once the two cars reach their destinations they turned around and move towards the other city without any loss of time. The two cars continue shuttling in this manner for exactly 20 hours. If the speed of the car starting from A is 60km/hr and the speed of the car starting from B is 40km/hr and the distance between the two cities is 120 km, find the number of times the two cars cross each other?
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A car driver, driving in a fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2 km/h in the same direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 minutes and it was visible to him up to distance of 0.6 km. what was speed of the car?
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A person can row \(7\frac{1}{2}\) km an hour in still water. Finds that it takes twice the time to row upstream than the time to row downstream. The speed of the stream is:
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A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr, the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be :
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Rani goes to school from her house in 30 minutes. Raja takes 45 minutes in covering the same distance. Find the ratio between time taken by Rani and Raja ?
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The speed \(3\frac{1}{3}\) m/sec when expressed in km/hr becomes :
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Due to the technical snag in the signal system two trains start approaching each other on the same track from two different stations, 240 km away each other. When the train starts a bird also starts moving to and fro between the two trains at 60 kmph touching each train each time. The bird initially sitting on the top of the engine of one of the trains and it moves so till these trains collide. If these trains collide one and half hour after start, then how many kilometers bird travels till the time of collision of trains?
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A man walk a certain distance and rides back in 4 hours 30 minutes. He could ride both ways in 3 hours. The time required by the man to walk both ways is :
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A 75 metres long train is moving at 20 kmph. It will cross a man standing on the platform in :
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A train running at a speed of 54 km/hr crosses a platform in 30 seconds. The platform is renovated and its length is doubled. Now, the same train running at same speed crosses the platform in 46 seconds. Find the length of the train.
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A man goes to a place on bicycle at speed of 16 km/hr and comes back at lower speed. If the average speed is 6.4 km/hr in total, then the return speed (in km/hr) is :
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