An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 km/hr, stopping for 3 minutes after every 75 km. How much time does the Train take to travel between two places which are 600 km apart?
6 hrs 21 min
6 hrs 24 min
6 hrs 27 min
6 hrs 30 min
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# | Quiz |
A cyclist rides 24 km at 16 kmph and further 36 km at 15 kmph. Find his average speed for the journey ?
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if a man increase his speed by 3km/hr,he reaches his home in 3/4th of his normal time. if he decreases his speed by 3km/h he reaches his home 2 hours late. what is the distance the man travel to reach his home
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A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr.
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A coolie standing on a railway platform observe that a train going in one direction takes 4 second to pass him. Another train of same length going in opposite direction takes 5 seconds to pass him. The time taken (in seconds) by two train to cross each other will be:
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A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes in walking a distance and riding back to starting place. He could walk both ways in 7 hours 45 minutes. The time taken by him to ride back both ways is:
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An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in \(1\frac{2}{3}\) hours, it must travel at a speed of :
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The driver of an ambulance sees a school bus 40 m ahead of him after 20 seconds, the school bus is 60 meter behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/h, what is the speed of the school bus?
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A train, 300m long, passed a man, walking along the line in the same direction at the rate of 3 kmph in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is:
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The speed of a motor-boat is that of the current of water as 36:5. The boat goes along with the current in 5 hours 10 minutes. It will come back in:
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A car traveled first 36 km at 6 km/h faster than the usual speed, but it returned the same distance at 6 km/h slower than usual speed. I the total time taken by car is 8 hours, for how many hours does it traveled at the faster speed ?
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