Quiz Discussion

A coolie standing on a railway platform observe that a train going in one direction takes 4 second to pass him. Another train of same length going in opposite direction takes 5 seconds to pass him. The time taken (in seconds) by two train to cross each other will be:

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1]

    35 seconds

  • 2]

    36.5 seconds

  • 3]

    \(\frac{{40}}{9}\) seconds

  • 4]

    36 seconds

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# Quiz

A person X starts from Lucknow and another person Y starts from Kanpur to meet each other. Speed of X is 25 km/h, while Y is 35 km/h. If the distance between Lucknow and Kanpur be 120 km and both X and Y start their journey at the same time, when they will meet ?

  • 1]

    1 hours later

  • 2]

    2 hours later

  • 3]

    \(\frac{1}{2}\) hours later

  • 4]

    3 hours later


Two trains 105 meters and 90 meters long, run at the speeds of 45 kmph and 72 kmph respectively, in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross each other, is:

  • 1] 8 seconds
  • 2] 6 seconds
  • 3] 7 seconds
  • 4] 5 seconds

Each wheel of a car is making 5 revolutions per second. If the diameter of a wheel is 84 cm, then the speed of the car in cm/sec would be :

  • 1] 420 cm/sec
  • 2] 264 cm/sec
  • 3] 1000 cm/sec
  • 4] 1320 cm/sec

Due to the technical snag in the signal system two trains start approaching each other on the same track from two different stations, 240 km away each other. When the train starts a bird also starts moving to and fro between the two trains at 60 kmph touching each train each time. The bird initially sitting on the top of the engine of one of the trains and it moves so till these trains collide. If these trains collide one and half hour after start, then how many kilometers bird travels till the time of collision of trains?

  • 1] 90 km
  • 2] 130 km
  • 3] 120 km
  • 4] 95 km
  • 5] None of these

A car goes 10 meters in a second. Find its speed in km/hour.

  • 1] 40 km/hr
  • 2] 32 km/hr
  • 3] 48 km/hr
  • 4] 36 km/hr

Running at \(\frac{5}{4}\) of his usual speed, an athlete improves his timing by 5 minutes. The time he usually takes to run the same distance is:


  • 1] 30 min.
  • 2] 28 min.
  • 3] 25 min.
  • 4] 23 min.

Two trains starting at the same time from two-stations 300 km apart and going in opposite directions, cross each other at a distance of 160 km from one of them. The ratio of their speeds is :

  • 1] 7 : 9
  • 2] 16 : 20
  • 3] 8 : 7
  • 4] 8 : 12

A train running at \(\frac{7}{11}\) of its own speed reached a place in 22 hours. How much time could be saved if the train would have run at its own speed?


  • 1] 7 hr
  • 2] 8 hr
  • 3] 14 hr
  • 4] 16 hr

A car travels 50% faster than a bike. Both start at the same time from A to B. The car reaches 25 minutes earlier than the bike. If the distance from A to B is 100 km, find the speed of the bike.

  • 1] 120 kmph
  • 2] 100 kmph
  • 3] 80 kmph
  • 4] 75 kmph

A moving train crosses a man standing on a platform and the platform 300 metres long in 10 seconds and 25 seconds respectively. What will be the time taken by the train to cross a platform 200 metre long ?

  • 1]

    \(16\frac{2}{3} \)seconds

  • 2]

    18 seconds

  • 3]

    20 seconds

  • 4]

    22 seconds

# Quiz