A walk at a uniform rate of 4 km an hour; and 4 hr after his start, B bicycles after him at the uniform rate of 10 km an hour. How far from the starting point will B catch A ?
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# | Quiz |
Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?
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Walking \({\frac{6}{7}}\) th of his usual speed, a man is 12 minutes too late. The usual time taken by him to cover that distance is :
Solution |
A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr, the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be :
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An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 km/hr, stopping for 3 minutes after every 75 km. How much time does the Train take to travel between two places which are 600 km apart?
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The wheel of an engine of 300 cm in circumference makes 10 revolutions in 6 seconds. What is the speed of the wheel (in km/h)?
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Between 5 am and 5 pm of a particular day for how many times are the minute and the hour hands together?
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A train covers a distance of 10 km in 12 minutes. If its speed is decreased by 5 km/hr, the time taken by it to cover the same distance will be :
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A train without stopping travels 60 km/h and with stoppage 40 km/h. What is the time taken for stoppage on a route 300 km?
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A car driver, driving in a fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2 km/h in the same direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 minutes and it was visible to him up to distance of 0.6 km. what was speed of the car?
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A and B travel the same distance at speed of 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If A takes 36 min more than B, the distance travelled by each is :
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# | Quiz |
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