A runs twice as fast as B and B runs thrice as fast as C. The distance covered by C in 72 minutes, will be covered by A in:
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# | Quiz |
A train started from station A and proceeded towards station B at a speed of 48 km/hr. Forty-five minutes later another train started from station B and proceeded towards station a at 50 km/hr. If the distance between the two stations is 232 km, at what distance from station A will the trains meet ?
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The speed of 90 km per hour is same as :
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The speed of a motor-boat is that of the current of water as 36:5. The boat goes along with the current in 5 hours 10 minutes. It will come back in:
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A man travels 600 km by train at 80 km/hr, 800 km by ship at 40 km/hr, 500 km by aeroplane at 400 km/hr and 100 km by car at 50 km/hr. What is the average speed for the entire distance :
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An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in \(1\frac{2}{3}\) hours, it must travel at a speed of :
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If a man runs at 6 kmph from his house, he misses the train at the station by 8 min. If he runs at 10 kmph, he reaches 7 min before the departure of the train. What is the distance of the station from his house? (in Km).
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A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr.
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A plane left half an hour later than the scheduled time and in order to reach its destination 1500 kilometers away in time, it had to increase its speed by 33.33 percent over its usual speed. Find its increased speed.
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A car driver, driving in a fog, passes a pedestrian who was walking at the rate of 2 km/h in the same direction. The pedestrian could see the car for 6 minutes and it was visible to him up to distance of 0.6 km. what was speed of the car?
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A and B run a kilometre and A wins by 25 sec. A and C run a kilometre and A wins by 275 m. When B and C run the same distance, B wins by 30 sec. The time taken by A to run a kilometre is :
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