Quiz Discussion

Rohan, Shikha's boyfriend, had to pick her from her home for a live concert on her 23rd birthday. The venue of the concert and Shikha's home were in opposite directions from Rohan's office. He got late because of some work at office and realised that if he goes to pick Shikha from her home, which was a 48-minute drive from his office, they would be late for the show by 16 minutes. He asked her to start from her home towards his office in an auto-rickshaw and himself started driving towards her home. Both of them started simultaneously, he picked her as soon as they met and they managed to reach the venue just in time for the concert. If Rohan drives at an average speed of 60 km/hr, find the speed (in km/hr) of the auto-rickshaw.

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] 16 km
  • 2] 20 km
  • 3] 12 km
  • 4] 15 km
  • 5] None of these
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# Quiz

The speed of two trains are in the ratio 6 : 7. If the second train runs 364 km in 4 hours, then the speed of first train is :

  • 1] 60 km/hr
  • 2] 72 km/hr
  • 3] 78 km/hr
  • 4] 84 km/hr

A train 300 m long is running with a speed of 54 km/hr. In what time it cross a telephone pole ?

  • 1] 20 seconds
  • 2] 15 seconds
  • 3] 17 seconds
  • 4] 18 seconds

Two trains for Mumbai leave Delhi at 6 am and 6.45 am and travel at 100 kmph and 136 kmph respectively. How many kilometers from Delhi will the two trains be together:

  • 1] 262.4 km
  • 2] 260 km
  • 3] 283.33 km
  • 4] 275 km
  • 5] None of these

When do the two hands of a clock of just after 3 pm make 30°angel between them?

  • 1] 3:15:00
  • 2] 3:10:54
  • 3] 3:01:59
  • 4] 3:5:20

A man starts climbing a 11 m high wall at 5 pm. In each minute he climbs up 1 m but slips down 50 cm. At what time will he climb the wall?

  • 1] 5:30 pm
  • 2] 5:21 pm
  • 3] 5:25 pm
  • 4] 5:27 pm

Two boys A and B start at the same time to ride from Delhi to Meerut, 60 km away. A travels 4 km an hours slower than B, B reaches Meerut and at once turns back meeting A, 12 km from Meerut. A's rate was :

  • 1] 4 km/hr
  • 2] 8 km/hr
  • 3] 12 km/hr
  • 4] 16 km/hr

Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour ?

  • 1] 9 min
  • 2] 10 min
  • 3] 12 min
  • 4] 20 min

The speed of a car increases by 2 kms after every one hours. If the distance travelled in the first one hour was 35 kms, what was the total distance travelled in 12 hours ?


  • 1] 456 kms
  • 2] 482 kms
  • 3] 552 kms
  • 4] 556 kms
  • 5] None of these

If Karan travels at a speed of 60 kmph and covers a distance in 9 hrs., then how much time will he take to travel the same distance at a speed of 90 kmph ?

  • 1] 8 hours
  • 2] 6 hours
  • 3] 12 hours
  • 4] 9 hours

A man walking at the rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 min. The length of the bridge (in metres) is :

  • 1] 600 metres
  • 2] 750 metres
  • 3] 1000 metres
  • 4] 1250 metres
# Quiz