If the average of 5 consecutive integers is x then, find the average of next to next 5 consecutive integers.
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# | Quiz |
The average temperature for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 40°C. The average for Thursday, Friday and Saturday was 41° C. If temperature on Saturday was 42° C, what was the temperature on Wednesday?
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The average of 6 numbers is 7. The average of three numbers of them is 5. What will be the average of remaining numbers?
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A cricketer has a certain average for 9 innings, In the tenth inning he scores 100 runs there by increasing his average by 8 runs. His new average is
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There are five boxes in cargo hold. The weight of the first box is 200 kg and the weight of the second box is 20% higher than the weight of the third box, whose weight is 25% higher than the first box's weight. The fourth box at 350 kg is 30% lighter than the fifth box. Find the difference in the average weight of the four heaviest boxes and the four lightest boxes.
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The average of 6 observations is 45.5. If one new observation is added to the previous observations, then the new average becomes 47. The new observation is :
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In an exam, the average marks obtained by Jhon in English, Math, Hindi and Drawing were 50. His average mark in Maths, Science, Social Studies and Craft were 70. If the average mark in all seven subjects is 58, his score in Maths was -
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The average age of three boys is 15 years. If their ages are in ratio 3 : 5 : 7, the age of the youngest boy is
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The average age of 30 students of a class is 14 years 4 months. After admission of 5 new students in the class the average becomes 13 years 9 months. The youngest one of the five new students is 9 years 11 months old. The average age of the remaining 4 new students is :
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The average age of the boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. The average age for the whole class is-
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The mean of 100 observations was calculated as 40. It was founder later on that one of the observation was misread as 83 instead of 53. The correct mean is :
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