There are 30 students in a class. The average age of first 10 students is 12.5 years. The average age of the remaining 20 students is 13.1 years. The average age (in years) of the students of the whole class is :
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If 25a + 25b = 115, what is the average of a and b?
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The average temperature for the first four days of a week is 40.2° C and that of the last four days is 41.3° C. If the average temperature for the whole 40.6°C, then the temperature on the fourth day is-
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In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. The run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282 run is :
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The average age of 3 children in a family is 20% of the average age of the father and the eldest child. The total age of the mother and the youngest child is 39 years. If the father's age is 26 years, what is the age of the second child ?
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The average age of a family with 5 members is 28. If one of the 5 members of age 20 is excluded the average age of the family becomes -
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The average weight of 8 men is increased by 1.5 kg when one of the men, who weight 65 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is-
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The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?
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If the arithmetic mean of 7, 5, 13, x and 9 is 10, then the value of x is :
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A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. What is the average number of visitors per day in the month of June beginning with a Sunday?
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A cricketer had a certain average of runs for his 64 innings. In his 65th innings, he is bowled out for no score on his part. This brings down his average by 2 runs. His new average of runs is :
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