The average weight of 3 men, A, B and C is 84 kg. Another man D joins the group and the average now becomes 80 kg. If another man E whose weight is 3 kg more than that of D, replaces A then the average weight of B, C, D and E becomes 79 kg. What is the weight of A ?
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Amount five people with monthly income (in Rs.) 15000, 26000, 16000, 19000, 50000, how many will have income less than the mean income of five people?
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The average price of 10 books is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs.11.75. Of the remaining two books, if the price of one book is 60% more than the price of the other, what is the price of each of these two books?
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Out of 20 boys, 6 are each of 1 m 15 cm height, 8 are of 1 m 10 cm and rest of 1 m 12 cm. The average height of all of them is :
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The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?
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If the average of x and 1/x(X\( \ne \)0) is M, then the average of x2 and 1/x2 is :
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40% of the employees in a factory are workers. All the remaining employees are executives. The annual income of each worker is Rs. 390. The annual income of each executive is Rs. 420. What is the average annual income of all the employees in the factory together?
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In an exam, the average marks obtained by Jhon in English, Math, Hindi and Drawing were 50. His average mark in Maths, Science, Social Studies and Craft were 70. If the average mark in all seven subjects is 58, his score in Maths was -
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The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and R is Rs. 6250 and the average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of P is-
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The average age of four boys A, B, C and D is 5 years and the average age A, B, D, E is 6 years. C is 8 years old. The age of E is (in years) :
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Mean of 10 numbers is 30. Later on it was observed that numbers 15, 23 are wrongly taken as 51, 32. The correct mean is :
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