Quiz Discussion

The average of six numbers is x and the average of three of these is y. If the average of the remaining three is z, then-

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] x = y + z
  • 2] 2x = y + z
  • 3] x = 2y + 2z
  • 4] None of these
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# Quiz

Average of a, b, and c is 11; average of c, d and e is 17; average of e and f is 22 and average of e and c is 17. Find out the average of a, b, c, d, e and f.

  • 1]


  • 2]


  • 3]


  • 4]

    None of these


Ajay working in a Cellular company as a salesman. His monthly salary is Rs. 200. But he gets bonus as per given rule. If he sells sim cards of Rs. X then his bonus will be   . In the first quarter of the year his average sale was Rs. 3000 per month. In the next 5 five month his average sale was Rs. 5000 per month and for next four month his average sale was Rs. 8000 per month. What is the average earning per month for the whole year?


  • 1] Rs. 3350
  • 2] Rs. 3610
  • 3] Rs. 3750
  • 4] Rs. 3560
  • 5] None of these

The average of six numbers is 3.95. The average of two of them is 3.4, while the average of the other two is 3.85. The average of the remaining two numbers is :

  • 1] 4.6
  • 2] 4.8
  • 3] 4.5
  • 4] 4.7

A cricketer has a certain average for 9 innings, In the tenth inning he scores 100 runs there by increasing his average by 8 runs. His new average is 

  • 1]

    28 runs

  • 2]

    24 runs

  • 3]

    32 runs

  • 4]

    20 runs


There are five boxes in cargo hold. The weight of the first box is 200 kg and the weight of the second box is 20% higher than the weight of the third box, whose weight is 25% higher than the first box's weight. The fourth box at 350 kg is 30% lighter than the fifth box. Find the difference in the average weight of the four heaviest boxes and the four lightest boxes.

  • 1] 51.5 kg
  • 2] 75 kg
  • 3] 37.5 kg
  • 4] 112.5 kg
  • 5] None of these

If the average of x and 1/x(X\( \ne \)0) is M, then the average of x2 and 1/x2 is :


  • 1] 1 - M2
  • 2] 1 - 2M2
  • 3] 2M2 - 1
  • 4] 2M2 + 1

When the average age of a couple and their son was 42 years, the son married and got a child after one year. When the child was 5 years old, the average age of the family became 36 years. What was the age of daughter-in- law at the time of their marriage ?

  • 1] 23 years
  • 2] 24 years
  • 3] 25 years
  • 4] 26 years

A train covers the first 16 km at a speed of 20 km per hour another 20 km at 40 km per hour and the last 10 km at 15 km per hour. Find the average speed for the entire journey.


  • 1]

    24 km

  • 2]

    26 km

  • 3]

    21 km

  • 4]



A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. What is the average number of visitors per day in the month of June beginning with a Sunday?

  • 1] 276
  • 2] 280
  • 3] 285
  • 4] 250

The mean weight of 34 students of a school is 42 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the mean rises by 400 grams. Find the weight of the teacher (in kg.)

  • 1] 55 kg
  • 2] 57 kg
  • 3] 66 kg
  • 4] 56 kg
# Quiz