The average of five different positive numbers is 25. x is the decrease in the average when the smallest number among them is replaced by 0. What can be said about x?
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The mean of 25 observations was found to be 78.4. But later on it was found that 96 were misread as 69. The correct means is-
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The average height of 30 boys out of a class of 50 is 160 cm. If the average height of the remaining boys is 165 cm, the average height of the whole class (in cm) is :
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Mean of 10 numbers is 30. Later on it was observed that numbers 15, 23 are wrongly taken as 51, 32. The correct mean is :
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The average of 9 observations was found to be 35. Later on, it was detected that an observation 81 was misread as 18. The correct average of the observation is -
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There are three categories of jobs A, B and C. The average salary of the student who got the job of A and B categories is 26 lakh per annum. The average salary of the students who got the job of B and C category is 44 lakh per annum and the average salary of those students who got the job of A and C categories is 34 lakh per annum. The most appropriate (or closet) range of average salary of all the three categories (if it is known that each student gets only one category of jobs i.e. , A, B and C):
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Find the average of 1.11, 0.01, 0.101, 0.001, 0.11 = ?
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If the average of x and 1/x(X\( \ne \)0) is M, then the average of x2 and 1/x2 is :
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The speed of the train going from Nagpur to Allahabad is 100 km/h while when coming back from Allahabad to Nagpur, its speed is 150 km/h. find the average speed during whole journey.
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In a primary school the average weight of male students is 65.9 kg and the average weight of female students is 57 kg. If the average weight of all the students ( both male and female ) is 60.3 kg and the number of male students in the school is 66, what is the number of female students in the school?
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The average of nine number is 50. The average of first five numbers is 54 and that of the last three numbers is 52. Then the sixth number is :
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