The average age of a family with 5 members is 28. If one of the 5 members of age 20 is excluded the average age of the family becomes -
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Five years ago, the average age of A, B, C and D was 45 yr. with E joining them now, the average of all the five is 49 yr. How old is E?
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The average score of a class of boys and girls in an examination is A. The ratio of boys and girls in the class is 3 : 1. If the average score of the boys is A + 1, the average score of the girls is-
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19 people went to a hotel for combine dinner party 13 of them spent Rs. 79 each on their dinner and rest spent 4 more than the average expenditure of all the 19. What was the total money spent by them.
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The average of runs scored by a cricketer in his 99 innings is 99. How many runs will he have to score to his 100th innings so that his average of runs in 100 innings will become 100 ?
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The average wages of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15 consecutive working days was Rs. 90 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wages was Rs. 87/day and the average wages during the last 7 days was Rs. 92/day. What was his wage on the 8th day?
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The average age of three boys is 15 years. If their ages are in ratio 3 : 5 : 7, the age of the youngest boy is
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If the arithmetic mean of 7, 5, 13, x and 9 is 10, then the value of x is :
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The average age of a family of 10 members is 20 years. If the age of the youngest member of the family is 10 years, then the average age of the members of the family just before the birth of the youngest member was approximately.
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The average of six numbers is x and the average of three of these is y. If the average of the remaining three is z, then-
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The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the manager whose salary was Rs. 720, was replaced with a new manager, then the average salary of the team went down to 580. What is the salary of the new manager?
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