Gauri went to the stationers and bought things worth Rs. 25, out of which 30 paise went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items?
Rs. 15
Rs. 15.70
Rs. 19.70
Rs. 20
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# | Quiz |
A shopkeeper first raises the price of Jewellery by x% then he decreases the new price by x%. After such up down cycle, the price of a Jewellery decreased by Rs. 21025. After a second up down cycle the Jewellery was sold for Rs. 484416. What was the original price of the jewellery.
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What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have 1 or 9 in the unit's digit?
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Vicky's salary is 75% more than Ashu's. Vicky got a raise of 40% on his salary while Ashu got a raise of 25% on his salary. By what percent is Vicky's salary more than Ashu's?
Solution |
The price of Maruti car rises by 30 percent while the sales of the car come down by 20%. What is the percentage change in the total revenue?
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In a factory there are three types of machine M1, M2 and M3 which produces 25%, 35% and 40% of the total products respectively. M1, M2 and M3 produces 2%, 4% and 5% defective products, respectively. what is the percentage of non-defective products ?
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If the price of a commodity is decreased by 20% and its consumption is increased by 20%, what will be the increase or decrease in expenditure on the commodity?
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The marked price of an article is Rs 2400. It is sold at two successive discounts of 10% and 15%. What is the selling price (in Rs) of the article?
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If a 36 inches long strip cloth shrinks to 33 inches after being washed, how many inches long will the same strip remain after washing if it were 48 inches long?
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A student appeared in the Mock CAT. The test paper contained 3 sections namely QA, DI and VA. The percentage marks in all VA was equal to the average of percentage marks in all the 3 sections. Coincidentally, if we reverse the digit of the percentage marks of QA we get the percentage marks of DI. The percentage marks in VA scored by student could be:
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The price of rice falls by 20%. How much rice can be bought now with the money that was sufficient to buy 20 kg of rice previously?
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