Each side of a rectangular field diminished by 40%. By how much per cent is the area of the field diminished?
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# | Quiz |
In the Science City, Kolkata the rate of the ticket is increased by 50% to increased the revenue but simultaneously 20% of the visitor decreased. What is percentage change in the revenue. if it is known that the Science city collects one revenue only from the visitors and it has no other financial supports:
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A shopkeeper first raises the price of Jewellery by x% then he decreases the new price by x%. After such up down cycle, the price of a Jewellery decreased by Rs. 21025. After a second up down cycle the Jewellery was sold for Rs. 484416. What was the original price of the jewellery.
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A report consists of 20 sheets each of 55 lines and each such line consist of 65 characters. This report is reduced onto sheets each of 65 lines such that each line consists of 70 characters. The percentage reduction in number of sheets is closer to
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The population of a city is 35000. On an increase of 6% in the number of men and an increase of 4% in the number of women, the population would become 36760. What was the number of women initially?
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From 2000 onwards, till 2003 the price of computers increased every year by 10%. After that due to government subsidy the price of computers decreases every year by 10%. The price of a computer in 2006 will be approx. how much per cent less than the price in 2000 if the same pattern of price is continued :
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A clock is set right at 12 noon on Monday. It losses 1/2 % on the correct time in the first week but gains 1/4 % on the true time during the second week. The time shown on Monday after two weeks will be
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25% of 25% Is Equal To
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The difference between a number and its two-fifth is 510. What is 10% of that number ?
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Vicky's salary is 75% more than Ashu's. Vicky got a raise of 40% on his salary while Ashu got a raise of 25% on his salary. By what percent is Vicky's salary more than Ashu's?
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If A's salary is 25% more than B's salary, then B's salary is how much lower than A's salary?
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