Quiz Discussion

Anna left for city A from city B at 5.20 am. She travelled at the speed of 80 km/hr for 2 hours 15 minutes. After that the speed was reduced to 60 km/hr. If the distance between two cities is 350 kms, at what time did Anna reach reach city A ?

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] 9.20 am
  • 2] 9.25 am
  • 3] 9.35 am
  • 4] 10.05 am
  • 5] None of these
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# Quiz

A train 100 m long is running at the speed of 30 km/hr. The time (in second) in which it passes a man standing near the railway line is :

  • 1] 10 seconds
  • 2] 11 seconds
  • 3] 12 seconds
  • 4] 15 seconds

An ant moved for several seconds and covered 3 mm in the first second and 4 mm more in each successive second than its predecessor. If the ant had covered 1 mm in the first second and 8 mm more in each successive second, then the difference between the path it would cover during the same time and actual path would be more than 6 mm but less than 30 mm. find the time for which the ant moved (in seconds).

  • 1] 5 s
  • 2] 4 s
  • 3] 6 s
  • 4] 2 s
  • 5] None of these

The distance between two cities A and B is 330 km. A train starts from A at 8 am and travels towards B at 60 km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 am and travels towards A at 75 km/hr. At what time do they meet ?

  • 1] 10.00 am
  • 2] 10.30 am
  • 3] 11.00 am
  • 4] 11.30 am

Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/hr and another at 3 km/hr. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance :

  • 1] 8 km
  • 2] 7 km
  • 3] 6 km
  • 4] 9 km

If Karan travels at a speed of 60 kmph and covers a distance in 9 hrs., then how much time will he take to travel the same distance at a speed of 90 kmph ?

  • 1] 8 hours
  • 2] 6 hours
  • 3] 12 hours
  • 4] 9 hours

From two places, 60 km apart, A and B start towards each other at the same time and meet each other after 6 hours. If A traveled with \(\frac{2}{3}\) of his speed and B traveled with double of his speed, they would have met after 5 hours. The speed of A is:


  • 1] 4 km/h
  • 2] 6 km/h
  • 3] 10 km/h
  • 4] 12 km/h

A train is 250 m long. If the train takes 50 second to cross a tree by the railway line, then the speed of the train on Km /hr is :

  • 1] 9 km/hr
  • 2] 5 km/hr
  • 3] 18 km/hr
  • 4] 10 km/hr

A bus covered a certain distance from village A to village B at the speed of 60 km/hr. However on its return journey it got stuck in traffic and covered the same distance at the speed of 40 km/hr and took 2 hours more to reach its destination. What is the distance covered between villages A and B ?

  • 1] 200 km
  • 2] 240 km
  • 3] 260 km
  • 4] Cannot be determined
  • 5] None of these

A car goes 10 meters in a second. Find its speed in km/hour.

  • 1] 40 km/hr
  • 2] 32 km/hr
  • 3] 48 km/hr
  • 4] 36 km/hr

A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr.

  • 1] 20 km/hr
  • 2] 18 km/hr
  • 3] 72 km/hr
  • 4] 36 km/hr
# Quiz