A man can cross a downstream river by steamer in 40 minutes and same by boat in 1 hour. If the time of crossing Upstream by streamer is 50% more than downstream time by steamer and the time required by boat to cross same river by boat in upstream is 50% more than time required by in downstream. What is the time taken for the man to cross the river downstream by steamer and then return to same place by boat half the way and by steamer the rest of the way?
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A man travels the distance of his journey \(\frac{3}{4}\) by bus, \(\frac{1}{6} \)by rickshaw, and remaining 2 km on foot. The total distance traveled by the man is :
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The length of a train and that of a platform are equal. If with a speed of 90 km/hr the train crosses the platform in one minute, then the length of the train (in meters) is ?
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A bus covered a certain distance from village A to village B at the speed of 60 km/hr. However on its return journey it got stuck in traffic and covered the same distance at the speed of 40 km/hr and took 2 hours more to reach its destination. What is the distance covered between villages A and B ?
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A train passes two persons walking in the same direction at a speed of 3 kmph and 5 kmph respectively in 10 seconds and 11 seconds respectively. The speed of the train is
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A motorboat in still water travels at speed of 36 kmph. It goes 56 km upstream in 1 hour 45 minutes. The time taken by it to cover the same distance down the stream will be:
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A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 100 meters completes one revolution in 2 minutes. What is the average speed of cyclist (approx.)?
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In a race of one kilometre. A gives B a start of 100 metres and still wins by 20 seconds. But if A gives B a start of 25 seconds, B wins by 50 metres. The time taken by A to run kilometre is :
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Each wheel of a car is making 5 revolutions per second. If the diameter of a wheel is 84 cm, then the speed of the car in cm/sec would be :
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Two trains start from the same point simultaneously and in the same direction. The first train travels at 40 km /h, and the speed of the second train is 25% more than the speed of first train. Thirty minutes later, a third train starts from same point and in the same direction. It over takes the second train 90 minutes later than it overtook the first train. What is the speed of the third train?
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A train approaches a tunnel AB. Inside the tunnel, a cat is located at a point i.e. \(\frac{5}{{12}}\) of the distance AB measured from entrance A. When the train whistles the Cat runs. If the cat moves to exit B, the train catches the cat exactly at the exit. The speed of the train is greater than the speed of the cat by what order?
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