Python - String Method - format() Tutorial
It will format the specified values and insert them inside a string placeholder. the placeholder will be defined in the form of curly bracket {}.
format() method will take any number of parameters. It is divided into two types of parameters i.e
Positional Parameter
Here the list of parameters can be accessed in an expression by using an index in placeholder {} or directly by sequential order. Hence, It is called a positional parameter format().
We can also modify the order of a variable in an expression by using indexing starting from 0 and can also change the format of the required value.
For example, c= 3847.0483773 is formatted in the form of 11.3f. where f represents format is dealing with float value. 3 define the number of digits after ".", i.e it will take 3847.048. 11 define the width the number 3847.048 can take. 3847.048 has current width of 8 including ".". remaining 3 (11-8) will be taken as padding(space) in front of number 3847.048 (i.e " 3847.048")
c= 3847.0483773
# By Default Order
print('Hello {}, Hello {}, Value of c is {}'.format(a,b,c))
# We can also change the order using indexing
print('Hello {1}, Hello {0}, Value of c is {2:11.3f}'.format(a,b,c))
Hello Python, Hello Fresherbell, Value of c is 3847.0483773
Hello Fresherbell, Hello Python, Value of c is 3847.048
Keyword Parameter
Here the list of parameters(i.e key-value pair) can be accessed in an expression by using a key in placeholder {}. And in the format() method we can define the key-value pair. Hence, It is called a keyword parameter format().
We can also change the format of the required value.
c= 3847.0483773
# By Default Order
print('Hello {name2}, Hello {name1}, Value of c is {value:11.3f}'.format(name1 = b,name2 = a,value = c))
Hello Python, Hello Fresherbell, Value of c is 3847.048