The daily wages of A and B respectively are Rs. 3.50 and Rs. 2.50. When A finishes a certain work, he gets a total wage of Rs. 63. When B does the same work, he gets a total wage Rs. 75. If both of them do it together what is cost of the work ?
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# | Quiz |
A takes three times as long as B and C together to do a job. B takes four times as long as A and C together to do the work. If all the three, working together can complete the job in 24 days, then the number of days, A alone will take to finish the job is = ?
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A can do a piece of work in 6 days. B is 25% more efficient than A. How long would B alone take to finish this work ?
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If the expenditure of gas on burning 6 burners for 6 hours a day for 8 days is Rs. 450, then how many burners can be used for 10 days at 5 hours a day for Rs. 625 ?
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A works twice as fast as B. If B can complete a work in 12 days independently, the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work in :
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A single person takes 10 minutes to stitch a bag. If from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., 1245 bags are to be stitched how many persons should be employed on this job?
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A started a ,work and left after working for 2 days. Then B was called and he finished the work in 9 days. had A left the work after working for 3 days, B would have finished the remaining work in 6 days. In how many days can each of them, working alone, finish the whole work ?
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16 men can finish a work in 24 days and 48 boys can finish the same work in 16 days. 12 men started the work and after 4 days 12 boys joined them. In how many days can they finish the remaining work ?
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If 5 men and 3 women can reap 18 acre of crop in 4 days, 3 men and 2 women can reap 22 acre of crop in 8 days, then how many men are required to join 21 women to reap 54 acre of crop in 6 days ?
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25 men with 10 boys can do in 6 days as much work as 21 men with 30 boys can do in days. How many boys must help 40 men to do the same work in 4 days ?
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A can do as much work as B and C together can do. A and B can together do a piece of work in 9 hours 36 minutes and C can do it in 48 hours. The time in hours that B needs to do the work alone, is ?
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