If the work done by (x - 1) men in (x + 1) days and the work done by (x + 2) men in (x - 1) days are in the ratio 9 : 10, then the value of x is equal to ?
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# | Quiz |
Ram Lal is a renowned packager of fruits in Varanasi. He packs 70 mangoes or 56 guavas every day working 7 hours a day. His wife also helps him. She packs 30 mangoes or 24 guavas working 6 hours per day. Ram Lal has to pack 3300 mangoes and 2400 guavas with help of his wife. They works alternately, each day 10 hours. His wife started packaging firs day and works every alternate days. Similarly, Ram Lal started his work second day and and worked alternatively till the completion of the work. In how many days the work will finished?
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There are three boats A, B and C, working together they carry 60 people in each trip. One day an early morning A carried 50 people in few trips alone. When it stopped carrying the passengers B and C started carrying the people together. It took a total of 10 trips to carry 300 people by A, B and C. It is known that each day on an average 300 people cross the river using only one of the 3 boats A, B and C. How many trips it would take to A to carry 150 passengers alone?
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A man and a boy can do a piece of work in 24 days. If the man works alone for the last 6 days, it is completed in 26 days. How long would the boy take to do it alone ?
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A and B can complete a piece of work in 12 and 18 days respectively. A begins to do the work and they work alternatively one at a time for one day each. The whole work will be completed in ?
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A labourer was appointed by a contractor on the condition he would be paid Rs. 75 for each day of his work but would be, fined at the rate of Rs. 15 per day for his absent. After 20 days, the contractor paid the labourer Rs. 1140. The number of days the labourer absented from work was ?
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Two men and women are entrusted with a task. The second man needs three hours more to cope up with the job than the second man and the woman would need working together. The first man, working alone, would need as much time as second man and the woman working together. The first man working alone, would spend eight hours less than the double period of the time second man would spend working alone. How much time would the two men and the women need to complete the task if they all asked together?
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A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:
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Three taps A, B and C together can fill an empty cistern in 10 minutes. The tap A alone can fill it in 30 minutes and the tap B alone in 40 minutes. How long will the tap C alone take to fill it?
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A can do a work in 10 days. The efficiency of A is 20% less than B. How many days B need to finish the same work?
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A can do a piece of work in 90 days, B in 40 days and C in 12 days. They work for a day each in turn i.e., first day A does it alone, B does it the second day and C the third day. After that A does it for another day, and so on. After finishing the work they get Rs. 240. If the wages are divided in proportion to the work done by them, find what each will get ?
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