A road of 5 m length will be constructed in 100 days. So, 280 workers were employed. But after 80 days it was found that only \({ \text{3}}\frac{1}{2}\) km road was completed. Now, how many more people were needed to finish the work in the specified time?
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# | Quiz |
A single person takes 10 minutes to stitch a bag. If from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., 1245 bags are to be stitched how many persons should be employed on this job?
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A contractor undertake to do a piece of work in 40 days. He engages 100 men at the beginning and 100 more after 35 days and completes the work in stipulated time. If he had not engaged the work in men, how many days behind the scheduled the work should have been finished ?
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A and B working together completed a job in 5 days. If A works twice as efficiently as he actually did and B works \(\frac{1}{3}\) of actual efficiency, the work would have been completed in 3 days. Find the for A to complete the job alone.
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A and B together can do a job in 2 days; B and C can do it in 4 days; A and C in \({ \text{2}}\frac{2}{5}\) days. The number of days required for A to do the job alone is = ?
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A can complete a piece of work in 18 days, B in 20 days and C in 30 days, B and C together start the work and forced to leave after 2 days. The time taken by A alone to complete the remaining work is:
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12 monkeys can eat 12 bananas in 12 minutes. In how many minutes can 4 monkeys eat 4 bananas ?
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A 10 hectare field is reaped by 2 men, 3 women and 4 children together in 10 days. If working capabilities of a man, a woman and a child are in the ratio 5 : 4 : 2, then a 16 hectare field will be reaped by 6 men, 4 women and 7 children in = ?
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If 20 women can lay a road of length 100m in 10 days. 10 women can lay the same road of length 50m in = ?
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Amit, Bhawana and Chandan can do a piece of work, working together in one day only. Amit is 5 times efficient than Bhawna and Chandan takes half of the number of days taken by Bhawna to do the same work. What is the difference between the number of days taken by Amit and Chandan when they work alone ?
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There is a group of 5 boys and 2 girls. The two groups working together can do four times as much work as a boy and a girl. Ratio of working capacities of a boy and a girl is:
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# | Quiz |
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