In a race of 1000m, A can beat B by 100m. In a 400m, B beats C by 40m. In a race of 500m. A will beat C by
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The distance from bhopal to indore is 200 km. A bus start from indore to bhopal every half an hour. If the speed of each bus is 40 km/hr. How many bus will a bhopal to indore bus cross by the time it reach indore?
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A distance of 425 km separates two trains moving towards each other at a speed of 200 km/hr each. What will be the distance between them after 1 hr 30 min, if they reduce their speed by half, every half an hour ?
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The driver of an ambulance sees a school bus 40 m ahead of him after 20 seconds, the school bus is 60 meter behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/h, what is the speed of the school bus?
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A person wishes to reach his destination 90 km away 3 hours but for the first half of the journey his speed was 20 km/hr. His average speed for the rest of the journey should be :
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Page and Plant are running on a track AB of length 10 metres. They start running simultaneously from the ends A and B respectively. The moment they reach either of the ends, they turn around and continue running. Page and Plant run with constant speeds of 2m/s and 5m/s respectively. How far from A (in metres) are they, when they meet for the 23rd time?
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A dog start chasing to a cat 2 hour later. It takes 2 hours to dog to catch the cat. If the speed of the dog is 30 km/h. what is the speed of cat?
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A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is :
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Two trains 105 meters and 90 meters long, run at the speeds of 45 kmph and 72 kmph respectively, in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross each other, is:
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A man starts climbing a 11 m high wall at 5 pm. In each minute he climbs up 1 m but slips down 50 cm. At what time will he climb the wall?
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A train travelling at 48 kmph crosses another train, having half of its length and travelling in opposite direction at 42 kmph, in 12 seconds. It also passes a railway platform in 45 seconds. The length of railway platform is:
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