An athlete claimed that his timing for a 100 m dash should be corrected because the starting signal was gives by a gun fired from a point 10 m away from him and the timekeeper was standing close to the gun. The error due to this could be (in seconds) :
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Narayan walking at a speed of 20 km/h reaches his college 10 minutes late. Next time he increases his speed by 5 km/h, but finds that he is still late by 4 minutes. What is the distance of his college from his house?
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The distance from bhopal to indore is 200 km. A bus start from indore to bhopal every half an hour. If the speed of each bus is 40 km/hr. How many bus will a bhopal to indore bus cross by the time it reach indore?
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The speed \(3\frac{1}{3}\) m/sec when expressed in km/hr becomes :
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A dog after traveling 50 km meets a swami who counsels him to go slower. He then proceeds at \(\frac{3}{4} \)of his former speed and arrives at his destination 35 min late. Had the meeting occurred 24 km further the dog would have reached its destination 25 min late. The speed of the dog is:
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In a race of 200 metres, B can give a start of 10 metres to A and C can give a start of 20 metres to B. The start that C can give to A, in the same race, is :
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A racetrack is in the form of a right triangle. The longer of the legs of track is 2 km more than the shorter of the legs (both these legs being on a highway). The start and end points are also connected to each other through a side road. The escort vehicle for the race took the side road and rode with a speed of 30 km/h and then covered the two intervals along the highway during the same time with a speed of 42 km/h. find the length of the race track.
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A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 metres the thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km/hr and 11 km/hr respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes ?
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A girl while walking diametrically across a semicircular playground, takes 3 minutes less than if she had kept walking round the circular path from A to B. If she walks 60 metres a minute, what is diameter of the play ground?
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A car travels from P to Q at a constant speed. If its speed were increased by 10 km/hr, it would have taken one hour lesser to cover the distance. It would have taken further 45 minutes lesser if the speed was further increased by 10 km/hr. The distance between two cities is :
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A and B travel the same distance at speed of 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If A takes 36 min more than B, the distance travelled by each is :
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