Quiz Discussion

A train travels at a speed of 30 km/hr for 12 minutes and at a speed of 45 km/hr for the next 8 minutes. The average speed of the train for this journey is :

Course Name: Quantitative Aptitude

  • 1] 30 km/hr
  • 2] 36 km/hr
  • 3] 37.5 km/hr
  • 4] 48 km/hr
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# Quiz

Two joggers left Delhi for Noida simultaneously. The first jogger stopped 42 min later when he was 1 km short of Noida and the other one stopped 52 min later when he was 2 km short of Noida. If the first jogger jogged as many kilometers as the second, and the second as kilometers as first, the first one would need 17 min less than the second. Find the distance between Delhi and Noida?

  • 1] 5 km
  • 2] 15 km
  • 3] 25 km
  • 4] 35 km
  • 5] 24 km

It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is done by train and the rest by car. It takes 20 minutes more, if 200 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of the cars is:

  • 1] 2 : 3
  • 2] 3 : 2
  • 3] 3 : 4
  • 4] 4 : 3

A cyclist drove one kilometre, with the wind in his back, in 3 minutes and drove the same way back, against the wind, in 4 minutes. If we assume that the cyclist always puts constant force on the pedals, how much time would it take him to drive 1 km without wind ?

  • 1]

    \(2\frac{1}{3}\) min

  • 2]

    \(2\frac{3}{7}\) min

  • 3]

    \(3\frac{3}{7}\) min

  • 4]

    \(3\frac{7}{12}\) min


Walking \({\frac{6}{7}}\) th of his usual speed, a man is 12 minutes too late. The usual time taken by him to cover that distance is :

  • 1] 1 hour
  • 2] 1 hr 12 min
  • 3] 1 hr 15 min
  • 4] 1 hr 20 min

Two trains of equal length, running in opposite directions, pass a pole in 18 and 12 seconds. The trains will cross each other in:

  • 1] 14.4 seconds
  • 2] 15.5 seconds
  • 3] 18.8 seconds
  • 4] 20.2 seconds

A car traveled first 36 km at 6 km/h faster than the usual speed, but it returned the same distance at 6 km/h slower than usual speed. I the total time taken by car is 8 hours, for how many hours does it traveled at the faster speed ?

  • 1] 4 hours
  • 2] 3 hours
  • 3] 2 hours
  • 4] 1 hours

A bus covers three successive 3 km stretches at speed of 10 km/hr, 20 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. Its average speed over this distance is :

  • 1] 30 km/hr
  • 2] 25 km/hr
  • 3] 18 km/hr
  • 4] 10 km/hr

A distance of 425 km separates two trains moving towards each other at a speed of 200 km/hr each. What will be the distance between them after 1 hr 30 min, if they reduce their speed by half, every half an hour ?

  • 1] 75 km
  • 2] 120 km
  • 3] 150 km
  • 4] 200 km

A square playground measure 1127.6164 sq.m. If a man walks \(2\frac{9}{{20}}\) m a minute, the time taken by him to walk one round around it is approximately :


  • 1] 50.82 minutes
  • 2] 54.82 minutes
  • 3] 54.62 minutes
  • 4] 50.62 minutes

Roorkee express normally reaches its destination at 50 km/h in 30 hours. Find the speed at which it travels to reduce the time by 10 hours?

  • 1] 38 km/h
  • 2] 76 km/h
  • 3] 75 km/h
  • 4] 60 km/h
# Quiz